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July 22, 2024
In a move that is poised to take strides towards bridging the gap between diverse stakeholders within the pork industry, Jesse Heimer—a recognized figure within the show pig community—has been recently appointed to the National Pork Board (NPB). This pivotal appointment marks a significant step toward a greater alignment and understanding between the show pig and commercial segments of the industry. Read more about the process and the impact Heimer will have in the fight to bridge the gap between all facets of our swine industry.


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The PIGS (Personal Improvement and Growth through Swine) Youth Leadership Program is designed for college students who are passionate about the swine industry.

Students from across the country have been selected to serve as ambassadors and participate in the inaugural P.I.G.S. Youth Leadership Program. This program will give an exclusive peek into the broader swine industry beyond the show pig realm.

The program includes three weeks of in-person leadership training held between the months of June to November 2024. The lineup offers a unique blend of personal development, leadership coaching, and captivating industry tours. Plus, participants will have the opportunity to research and pitch a project with a chance to leave a mark on the swine industry.


This program is brought to you in partnership with The Pork Checkoff.

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The Wendt Group, Inc.
121 Jackson Street
P.O. BOX 133
Plain City, OH 43064
(614) 403-0726
© 2024 The Wendt Group, Inc.